Salting and Snow Removal Policy


Residents are asked to follow the city's salting and snow removal policies to support efficient removal of snow and ice from local roads. while assuring traffic safety. 

  • The City only plows and salts City streets, dead ends and cul­de-sacs; the only exception is if the City agrees to provide service by contract and is compensated accordingly, or if a handicapped resident resides there who has been approved to participate in the City's private driveway snow removal program.
  • The City does not provide snow removal from sidewalks or driveway entrances. The only exception is the driveway snow removal program.
  • Snow removal operations follow established snowplow routes, chosen to allow for optimum use of City equipment, manpower and supplies. Snow removal is conducted on City streets and City property only, with the only exception as identified in the private driveway snow removal program.
  • The City prohibits parking on all City streets, dead ends and cul-de-sacs after a 1" snowfall. This allows snow crews to clear the streets without the potential for a collision between a parked car and a snowplow or salt truck.
  • City snowplows discharge snow from the streets toward the adjacent parkway and driveway, sometimes creating windrows of snow at driveway entrances. It is impossible to prevent this; it is a by-product of our effort to clear streets of snow accumulation in the safest and most efficient manner. 
  • Residents are prohibited from shoveling snow from their driveways into the street where it can become compact and harden into ice mounds, creating a dangerous safety hazard for motorists and emergency vehicles.
  • Residents are asked to keep mailbox doors closed to prevent damage.
  • City snow crews try to minimize the mounding of snow around fire hydrants, but plows are designed to discharge snow into the unpaved parkway, making it difficult. Any assistance that homeowners can provide to keep fire hydrants in front of their home visible is greatly appreciated by the City and the Fire Protection Districts serving City residents.