Oakbrook Terrace Lockbox Program

What is the Lock Box Program?

The program will provide Law Enforcement and Paramedics a way to gain entry into the home of the participant to expedite access during a life threatening emergency.  It will also allow residents in cases when forcibly entry would otherwise be necessary to avoid property damage.

How does the program work?

A key to the residence is stored in a lock box and then placed outside of your home.  In the event of an emergency the key code and location of the box will be securely and electronically dispatched to the officer, who could then access your residence at the time of need.

Who is eligible?

Any resident who resides in Oakbrook Terrace, is elderly, disabled, has a medical or special needs, who wishes to be placed on this program.

Is there a fee for the program?

There is no fee associated with enrolling in the program.  Your estimated cost for the lock box is approximately $30.  If you are indigent a lock box may be provided to you based on availability of private donations. For additional information on lock boxes please contact Sgt. Hylton at the Police Department, 630-941-8320.

How do I enroll?

Simply download and complete the Lock Box Program form below and turn it into the Police Department.